This program identifier for Beacon Health Foundation was designed to convey appreciation and growth, the heart of the Grateful Patient Program. The design conveys a thoughtful yet friendly tone through a softer color palette and black and white photography. Mouse over the images to read more about this program.


Patients who receive outstanding care or have had a life-changing experience with health care often look for ways to give back. The Beacon Health Foundation’s Grateful Patient Program is a partnership between the Foundation and Beacon doctors. Doctors learn how to identify and receive patient gratitude, cultivate the grateful relationship, then connect the patient with the Foundation to explore unique ways in which the patient can give back to the benefit of the Beacon Healthcare System and the community at large.

In addition to physician education pieces, this two-sided gratitude card provides patients with an opportunity to comment on their care, and possibly share their stories.

The design elements were expanded for use in an array of physician
education pieces.

One aspect of Grateful Patient physician education is developing a dialogue or “script” that enables physicians to move more deeply into the grateful relationship. Rather than typical icons or pictographs to represent the doctor/patient relationship, the loose line drawings convey a greater sense of exchange and humanity between doctor and patient.

The design was applied to eight different specific and highly detained layouts.