Chicagoland Lutheran Educational Foundation is a not-profit supporting private Lutheran Schools in the greater Chicago metropolitan area. Multiple schools are united under the CLEF acronym. The challenge of promoting various schools within CLEF lies in branding the schools as CLEF Schools, while at the same time highlighting the uniqueness of each school.
Back-to-School Appeal that highlights pre-K through high-school senior students, showing the breath of educational settings among the CLEF Schools. Copy writing by Sussna Design.
Banners, above, produced for a CLEF event, including a map designating the location of each school, as well as relevant school statistics highlighting CLEF support.
CLEF produced a set of banners for 22 member schools. A system was developed that enabled CLEF to provide each school with a banner featuring the school mission statement (not shown) as well as a second banner highlighting the ages served and images representing the demographics of each school, the school logo and colors. A signature line features the CLEF logo, the unifying design component in all CLEF-branded materials.